Suncel for publishers

Suncel allows you to publish and deploy content with a no-code builder.

Deploy instantly and share your content to the world.

Publish faster⚡

Live preview

For large screen and mobile


Add new features to the rich text editor


Focus on content, not code complexity.

A Simple yet powerful visual editor

Learn to use it in 2mn. You just drag and drop pre-made blocks or components in your page. You only have to feed your content and publish it instantly.

No need to know how to code : we bring you the right level of complexity to create pages on the fly and publish them.


No-code without its constraints

Standard no-code visual builders have their own hosting and are not well optimized for SEO performances.

Suncel allows you to leave the complexity of integration on the dev side. You have a 100% custom front-end and can compose your content with pre-made blocks and components.


Don’t wait for developers to

publish your changes

You want to publish a new page or make some changes on a page ? Don’t wait developers to review and validate your change. No risk to break anything. What you publish comes from components that are conceived and validated by the developers of your team or your agency.


Publish 2x faster

Use page template and pre-made components to faster your page construction. Duplicate page structure in one click and don’t redefine evertyhing. Focus on what’s important : your content.


Thought for SEO

Suncel offers multiple Next.js native features that will help your site rank better. Image optimizations, meta suggestions, automatic sitemap generation and update.



Users can edit content, keep it as a draft and as a teammate a review before publishing. Suncel offers different roles on content side : editors and publishers. Give access to users that can publish publicly the content and restrain other to draft mode only.
